Sunday, June 10, 2007

I'm using a Bob idea...

Tell me what you see wrong with this picture...

A woman is on the worship team at her local church and is going through alot of family problems. Those family problems make it almost impossible for her to keep up with the schedule for rehersals and meetings. When she does show up she is willing and able to sing but they don't let her because she wasn't at practice, already had a sub, ect... She has been gifted with a beatiful voice and is happy to use it when possible yet, due to her inconsistancy they want to make her take a 4 month break.

Here's a few things I can see wrong with that.

1. Asking her to take a 4 month leave because she can't make it to a practice or two? Why would you deny someone an opportunity to serve in their passion and gifting simply for missing practice and/or not following their man-made rules?

2. When I discussed this with the people in charge of the situation they misquoted the verse about doing things with order. They tried using that to say that if they don't follow the system they shouldn't be allowed to serve on the team... which is both sick and wrong.

3. They felt as though it was an inconvenience to them having to schedule around her to find someone to sing each sunday. What they never thought to consider is how it would effect her, let alone her desire to continue to worship God either in that "ministry" or out.

Now, with all that said, What is the one thing wrong with this whole situation? Can anyone tell me?


Lori said...

I think the main issue is that worship to God through music/singing has been reduced to three or four fast songs followed by the two or three slow songs - all just prep to the sermon, ya' know. Then, there is music for the offering and at the altar time following the sermon. Whaaaat if, just what if, worship was viewed as something powerful and led by the Spirit of God? Could we practice for it? Could we exclude someone from participating?

I do think preparation is totally cool. But, the structure must make room for the people of God - it was made to organize and empower them to use their gifts. When it begins to close doors on willing vessels someone has to speak up and ask if anyone sought God on the decision. Is God wanting this lady to take a break to focus on her home life or is He wanting to minister to her as she faithfully uses her gift? God, just may have an opinion on the issue!

As for this chic - if doors remain closed and she has a desire to use her gift - gather some believers together and worship her home, the park, whatever. And, maybe through this experience she can learn to be led by the Spirit in her singing, rather than being limited by the song selection at the practices.

Bob Carder said...

Yeah Lori!!

CR it must be CONTROL! "You have to do what we say and abide by our rules and never miss practice and mostly you must respect the director of the music ministry."

Tell your friend, she needs to use her spiritual gifts and passions where the Spirit of God is welcome to unleash them in her/through her.

Of course you know, that finding such a place is a rarity.

But Chris, you know of such a place and a people. Are you gonna tell her?

Judy said...

The real question is: Why isn't someone reaching out to her hurting heart and the hearts of her family that would seem to be in distress? Not letting her sing is hurtful to her but it is shameless to identify with Christ as a "Christian" and not reach out to the hearts of this family.

If you are part of a family (whether that be blood family or a ministry family:i.e. music) and someone is hurting, what an awesome opportunity to be the feet and arms of Christ. There is no excuse not to serve. Get your eyes on the right stuff.

Any way I can help, Chris?

Judy Martin

Krissy said...
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Krissy said...

I'm thinking it's conflict between passion and programs. It would be good for this girl to be more responsible, but it would be better for the church to let her sing even if she does miss practice. It doesn't have to be perfect on Sunday morning. If she's truly worshipping God, He'll be glorified even if she does hit a few wrong notes or whatever!