Monday, May 21, 2007

I do, therefore, I am.

This, as you can see, is my first blog post on here. I'm not sure how often I'll be doing this but I deleted my other blog on myspace to make this one so I guess it should be fairly consistant. I just recenty participated in the most transformational experience in my entire christian life. Yesterday I got home from the first of 2 training weekends that are designed to tear down people's preconceived notions about theology and christianity and teach them how to become tools for God that they'd never even imagine.

While at this training I saw people make commitments to change and transform their lives that only God could have motivated them to make. I saw people released and empowered to use their spiritual gifts that disbelieving critics would write off as passed away. I saw teachings that are never taught in churches because it would ruin their division, doctrine and systems that they cling more dearly to than the movement of the Holy Spirit. I cannot wait until the second half of this training so that I can learn what my gifts are and how to use them for the betterment of the Kingdom of God.

The title of my blog is translated from LATIN as "I do therefore I am." So my question to you is "What do you do?" Is what you do the same as what you profess to believe? Do you argue theology in one way then perform it in a completely different way? Having asked those questions I'll leave you with a quote from BRENNAN MANNING.

"The single leading cause of atheism in the world today is 'christians'. They acknowledge Jesus with their lips then turn, walk out the door, and deny Him by their lifestyles. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds so unbelievable."


Dr. Terry M. Goodwin said...

Welcome to Blogland. I am so excited you had a great experience. It is our experience of God that is lacking in America today. If only more people would seek to experience what they read in the Bible, then we would have more people on fire for God.

I cannot wait to see you after you understand your gifting and are released to serve the God you are experiencing these days. May the Glory of God be revealed throughout the whole world starting with what we do today!

Unknown said...

I know what you're saying- it was definitely the most impactful weekend I've ever had. I've never experienced God in such a tangible way before. It's so exciting that we're at the front of a movement back toward what God meant us to live for! I can't wait to see how God is going to use all of us in different ways, to work toward the same goal! What an awesome thing. I'm really excited to continue on this journey together! :)

Bob Carder said...

C.R. You are added as a link on my blog. Which means, you have to keep writing so as to teach others this stuff. I have copied this article to my blog again with a link to you.

This is an excellent article.

Jessica Sanford said...


I'm glad you're in blogland now.

I'll have to somehow organize my thoughts on this weekend so I can blog about them.