Sunday, May 11, 2008

Over the line or drawing it?

Over the past year or so of my life I have been put through a meat grinder of destroying all my preconceived notions on what a life with God should look like. The longer time goes on I realize how wrong I've been my whole life. I've learned that the meaning of discipleship is not merely dedicating my life to growing closer to God. However, it is the intentional dedication to the fulfillment of the great commission by multiplying disciples that multiply disciples and so forth. This process has been one of intense accountability, self-denial, and ruthless repentance. Through these things I have experienced more freedom in said year than I had in my whole life up to that, a feeling which words cannot explain.
However, with great freedom comes great persecution. I now know why James said to consider it pure joy when I encounter trials and tribulations for Jesus' sake. Without such a stabilizer as joy I'd be in a place that would make rock bottom seem like a memory foam bed. Even so, the trials that come are no match for the peace that passes understanding and now reigns in my heart courtesy of the God who created me. I now realize what Paul was saying when he wrote "It is for freedom that He set us free." With this ever soothing thought in the corner of my mind I am able to work for Him in the ways which He created me.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention that nugget of revelation which I've received. God has clearly shown me many, MANY things over the past year and has been communicating to me in ways which I'd never heard His voice before October 2006. He has shown me evidence of being baptized in the Holy Spirit as well as the true meaning of such an event. He has shown me what my gifts are and how I will be able to use them in my church groups and my future marriage to Krissy. He has shown me many things that I cannot begin to explain on the internet without sounding like more of a whackjob than I already have so far this post. Yet, in all the revelation He has managed to leave plenty of room for mystery and anxiousness to see the next step.
All in all I have learned that the road He has paved for me is most certainly not a wide one. However, I am no less responsible to walk that path with my eyes closed and my faith open than I was before my freedom of heart, mind and soul. In fact, I'd say that as each day comes and goes, my obligation and duty to that road and carrying my cross grows stronger throughout.
As I sit here listening to the most relaxing music in the world and typing this ridiculously long blog post I know in good faith what Christ died for and commanded us to fulfill. He commanded us to choose His side of the line, show others the difference and bring them over through the power of the Holy spirit, and never stop showing through our speech, thoughts and actions that there is a line that only God can define. Just like it says in Joshua 24, "Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve: whether the gods your fathers served or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living, but as for me and my house WE WILL SERVE THE LORD!" The Son of Man did not come and die for our sins so that we could cope. Everyone must decide.